Graphic Elements

Enhance your flyers and presentations with UMBC graphics and patterns inspired by Maryland’s state flag and elements from across campus. Use these elements to add style and energy to your materials.

Downloads: Retriever Graphics | UMBC Wordmark | Arched UMBC
Official Paw Print | Style Tile | Flag Patterns | Texture Backgrounds

UMBC Shield

The UMBC shield can be used as a graphic element, but should not be used in a way that adds elements to the shield, distorts it in any way, and/or changes the colors. Below is an example of the shield as a graphic element.

UMBC advertisement on DC Metro buses

For this design – it should be noted that while the shield is used as a graphic element (with the right side being cropped), the primary logo is also used unaltered. Designers should strive to include at least one UMBC logo in their work on materials and promotional items for the university.

Shield Downloads

UMBC shield color

Download an EPS Download a PNG

Please note: This version should only be used on white or light backgrounds.

UMBC color shield for black backgrounds

Download an EPS Download a PNG

Please note: this version should only be used on black or dark backgrounds.

UMBC shield black

Download an EPS Download a PNG

Please note: This version should only be used on white or light backgrounds.

UMBC shield gold on black

Download an EPS Download a PNG

Please note: this version should only be used on black or dark backgrounds and can be converted to white.

Retriever Graphics

The Retriever can be used as a graphic element, but should not be used in a way that adds elements to the retriever, distorts it in any way, and/or changes the colors. Please note the primary versions of the Retriever logo (the ones that include the arched UMBC) should be reserved for the Department of Athletics.

Retriever Head Downloads

UMBC retriever head in color

Download an EPS Download a PNG

Please note: This version should only be used on white or black backgrounds.

UMBC Retriever just head on gold

Download an EPS Download a PNG

Please note: This version should only be used on gold backgrounds.

UMBC retriever head in one color

Download an EPS Download a PNG

Please note: This version should only be used on white, gold, or gray backgrounds.

An all-gold version of the retriever head on black

Download an EPS Download a PNG

Please note: This version (shown on a black background) should only be used on darker-colored backgrounds.

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Retriever Full-Dog Downloads (includes silhouette)

Full dog retriever in multiple formats

Please note: the silhouette version (above right) is the only one that can have graphics, images, textures, or patterns added to it.

Download in multiple color variations (EPS)

UMBC Wordmark

UMBC wordmark
Downloads for the UMBC Wordmark can be found on this page.

Arched UMBC

Download in multiple color variations (EPS)

Official Paw Print

official paw variations

Please note: the single-color version (above, bottom row) is the only one that can have graphics, images, textures, or patterns added to it.

Download in multiple color variations (EPS)

Style Tile

The style tile shown below is a tool for design, consisting of font, color, and graphic element suggestions that communicate the essence of a UMBC’s visual brand

an image to show UMBC's style tile

Style Tile Graphic Elements

Style Tile Graphic Elements

Click the above thumbnail to download an EPS of the graphic elements found on the style tile.

UMBC flag pattern (1280 x 180)

For use as an email or document header.

MD flag pattern email doc header black

MD flag pattern email doc header gold

MD flag pattern email doc header gray

MD flag pattern email doc header teal

Click the above thumbnails to open a JPG and then “right-click > save as” to download to your computer.

UMBC flag pattern (portrait orientation – 8.5 x 11)

MD flag black pattern MD flag gold patter

MD flag gray pattern MD flag teal pattern

Click the above thumbnails to open a JPG and then “right-click > save as” to download to your computer.

UMBC flag pattern (landscape orientation – 11 x 8.5)

MD flag black pattern landscape MD flag gold pattern landscape

MD flag gray pattern landscape MD flag teal pattern landscape

Click the above thumbnails to open a JPG and then “right-click > save as” to download to your computer.

Texture Backgrounds

Black textured background

textured background arrows for download

textured background circles for download

textured background bricks for download

The above textures can be used as backgrounds and colorized in school colors for your designs. Click the thumbnails to open a JPG and the “right-click > save as” to download to your computer.

Please note: This page is a work in progress, as additional graphics elements are created they will be added here.

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